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Revision as of 23:39, 19 July 2024 by AstridFarland (talk | contribs) (Regular crafing available in warehouses and advanced in mega factory or KOS zone. Added reference to Speed imports. General info update. Removed crafting recipe info (wall of text and probably out of date).)
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Crafting offers experience and items that can be used or sold for profit; notably, weapon crafting.

One appeal of crafting is the ability to manufacture weapons and ammunition instead of purchasing them. Furthermore, carpentry crafts are another source of experience and money.

Legal and illegal firearms can be crafted. A successful crafter will stock a variety of raw and processed materials.

Getting Started

Use a workbench to access the crafting menu. Rebel weapon crafting is available at a workbench purchasable at a warehouse. Advanced rebel crafting is available through a Mega Factory or in the Advanced Rebel Crafting Red Zone.

As you craft, you gain crafting experience towards your crafting level. Most recipes require you to reach a certain crafting level before you can make them. Your crafting level can be viewed in the skills app.

Carpentry offers recipes with evenly ascending crafting levels for easy and legal progression. It is recommended to start with furniture crafting to increase your level enough to craft weapons.

You can find information on the Auto-Crafting process here.

Other Uses

Some crafting recipes are restricted to certain groups. This includes:

  • Faction exclusive weapons
  • Modshop and Speed Imports Car Crafting
  • Company Business Cards

Some exclusive "craftable" items such as hunting knives are not made on a workbench.

Raw Materials

Resources for crafting can be mined and gathered at designated locations around the island. Use your navigation app to find mines/farms and processors as required.

Mining and tree felling require a pickaxe or axe respectively. Both tools can be purchased at any supermarket.

Coal Sulfur Earth Steel Uranium Diamond
Level 0 Level 0 Level 5 Level 10 Level 15 Level 20
Rubber Timber Oak Teak Mahogany


Woodworking is a predominantly legal craft designed for level progression. Carpentry offers recipes with evenly ascending crafting levels for easy and legal progression. Different woods are utilised as the level requirement increases; starting with timber, then oak, teak, and finally mahogany. Later recipes require more resources.

Basic Weapon Crafting

The ability to craft weapons is the fundamental appeal of crafting for civilians.

Legality of Weapon Crafting

Most legislature regarding weapon crafting will reference the Gunsmithing Certification (GC). This licence is required for gun manufacturing operations which, by definition, refers to the gathering, manufacturing, or otherwise crafting of weapons by a company and its employees in the interest of retrieving monetary gain.

In short, it is not illegal for an individual to craft unrestricted weapons (Class 1s and Melee Weapons) and their components for personal use. Most, but not all, pistols are Class 1s and legal to possess and gather resources for.

It is advised to review the criminal code and legislature before handling weapons. Some relevant charges include:

  • Weapons Trafficking
  • Weapons Stockpiling
  • Weapons Caching
  • Weapons Distribution
  • Unlawful Transport of Restricted Weapons
  • Possession of Unlawful Amounts of Gunpowder
  • Unlicensed Procurement of Sulfur


Special thanks to Anton Tikhonovich, Loxxon Husky, Aiden Sparker, and other members of the Legislative Affairs Office for their detailed paperwork and guidance on this page.